On 7 May 2024, the Executive Committee considered and approved a formal proposal to create the NSSAR Youth Video Contest as a full National level program. In addition, the Youth Video Contest Committee was established to administer the program. Upon achieving their goal, the Task Force was dissolved and this Chairman would like to thank each of the members (as well as non-members) for their hard work and support in making this new youth contest a reality.
At this time, the Youth Video Contest Committee encourages each of the State Societies to establish and administer a Youth Video Contest. A tool kit is being prepared with documents and materials necessary to build a program. Help is available.
During a recent Zoom meeting, the contest rules were reviewed, amended, and updated. Some essential changes include:
Lapel pins are available at the bronze level for $100 and the silver level for $250. Donations should be sent directly to Headquarters and designated to benefit the Youth Video Contest.
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