Membership in The Colonel Benjamin Cleveland Chapter (the Chapter) requires men in good standing within the Tennessee Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (the TNSSAR). This shall include those persons that have dual membership in the TNSSAR or another State Society of the National Society, Sons of the American Revolution, (the NSSAR). Dues shall be payable prior to December 31 for the next ensuing year.
Application for membership shall be processed through the appointed Registrar/Genealogist of the Chapter on the forms approved by the NSSAR.
The Chapter shall hold an Annual Meeting each year at a date in the month of December to be selected by the President, and to be held in a location selected by him.
The President or action of the Board of Directors shall call a special meeting of the Chapter, with no less than 10 days prior written notice to all members of the Colonel Benjamin Cleveland Chapter prior to the meeting date.
A monthly general membership meeting will normally be held. At the meeting a quorum will consist of 10% of the total membership.
The Board of Directors herein called the Board shall include only members in good standing in the Chapter and shall consist of those “elected” officers and past Chapter Presidents, as set forth in Article IV, Section 1. Past Chapter Presidents who choose to serve shall serve on the board for a term of four years.
A Board Meeting may be held immediately after the adjournment of the Annual Meeting as so announced by the newly installed President. The President may call meetings of the Board of Directors, and shall be responsible for designating the date and place of meeting. In addition, the Board will meet quarterly each year, time, date and location to be determined by the President, to review finances, projects, committee’s progress, and other ongoing functions, so as to maintain focus on goals for continuity of the Chapter’s objectives.
A majority of the entire Board shall constitute a quorum, at any meeting of the Board. All board members shall be contacted for any meeting.
Each member of the Board shall be entitled to one vote. Proxy voting shall not be permitted.
It will be the responsibility of the Council of Presidents, chaired by the immediate Past President, to:
a. Determine the annual recipient of the Chapter’s Stanley A Evans Award. This award will be presented at the Annual Meeting, (Article II, Section 1), to the Chapter Member who has made the most significant contributions in the year to the Chapter, as determined by the Past Presidents.
b. To identify and mentor chapter members to insure continuity of qualified leadership for the chapter.
The officers of the Colonel Benjamin Cleveland Chapter who shall serve following their installation and until their successors assume office shall be: President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar/Genealogist, Chaplain, Sergeant at Arms, Historian, Reporter, Webmaster, Surgeon, Chapter Color Guard Commander, Parliamentarian and immediate Past President. The elected officers are the President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The President shall appoint the remaining officers, with the exception being the Past President, who is automatically an officer of the Chapter.
No later than the September monthly meeting of each year, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of three members, one of whom shall be named the Chairman, which committee shall select candidates for office, and shall make a report of such selection no later than the October monthly meeting. The committee shall obtain from each nominee his consent to serve in the position for which he is to be nominated.
Election of officers shall be held at the regular meeting in November
Nominations for any office may be made from the floor, but if no such nominations are received, then the presiding officer shall call for a voice vote to elect the slate of nominees as presented by the Nominating Committee. If nominations have been made from the floor, ballots shall be distributed so that the members in attendance may vote secretly for all contested officers. The person receiving a simple majority of votes cast for any office shall be declared elected. Nobody shall be entitled to vote for the election of officers who is not at the time a member in good standing of Colonel Benjamin Cleveland Chapter.
Officers so elected to the Chapter shall be installed at the Annual Meeting in December. Section 4
The Executive Committee shall consist of the 5 current elected officers. They shall meet at the call of the Chapter President. They shall be in charge of the normal operations of the chapter.
The President shall be the principal elective officer of the organization, shall preside at meetings of the Chapter and of the Board of Directors, and shall be ex-officio, with right to vote on all committees except the Nominating Committee. He has neither command nor veto authority. He shall enforce strict observance of the Chapter Bylaws of the Colonel Benjamin Cleveland Chapter, and of the Bylaws of the TNSSAR and NSSAR. He is responsible for the appointment of all committee chairmen, and he may remove the same whenever he thinks it is in the best interest of the Chapter to do so, providing he names a new chairman at once. The President shall conduct himself at all times so that by his actions, he shall cast honor upon the name of the Sons of the American Revolution. In case of the resignation or death of a President, the 1st Vice President shall become President, the 2nd Vice President shall become 1st Vice President and the office of 2nd Vice President shall be left vacant until the next election of officers.
The 1st Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President. He is the Chairman of the Membership Committee, when one is appointed. The 1st Vice President shall select an Auditing Committee, which shall audit the Colonel Benjamin Cleveland Chapter’s financial records in July of each year.
The 2nd Vice President shall preside in the absence of both the President and 1st Vice President. He shall perform the 1st Vice President’s duties in his absence. He is responsible for providing programs for the monthly meetings. In this capacity he will make arrangements with the guest speakers and restaurant management, and any other party necessary. In his absence, the 1st Vice President will perform these duties.
The Secretary shall record and preserve the minutes of the meetings of the Chapter and of the Board; he shall conduct all correspondence of the Chapter except where specifically provided for by another officer; he shall retain and file copies of essential correspondence; he shall disseminate notification to members for all monthly meetings or special meetings; and he shall prepare and submit to the TNSSAR reports as necessary.
The Treasurer shall receive all monies from whatever source derived for the Colonel Benjamin Cleveland Chapter and pay all just bills, keeping accurate clear accounting of the same.
The Registrar/Genealogist shall receive, review and process applications for membership in the NSSAR; shall maintain copies of the various applications for membership to include Regular, Junior, Memorial, and Supplemental. He shall submit all applications to the TNSSAR Registrar. He shall assist prospects for membership in meeting the genealogical requirements of the Society. He shall ensure that the Chapter has an adequate supply of application forms and work sheets.
The Chaplain shall be responsible for all religious services of the Chapter; he shall give the invocation and / or benediction; and he shall have charge of all Memorial Resolutions and Services initiated by the Chapter.
The Sergeant at Arms shall maintain custody of the flag sets and Chapter Charter, deliver them to, and install them at the Chapter meeting place. He shall also serve as Marshal by escorting individuals, as required, during meetings.
The Historian shall maintain the History and Archives of the Colonel Benjamin Cleveland Chapter; he shall do such historical research as is assigned him by the President from time to time; he shall compile each year a record of the Officers of the Chapter, and all activities of the Chapter worthy of mention.
The Reporter shall create and distribute news articles, publicity, et cetera; and he shall maintain the chapter Scrapbook.
The Webmaster shall Create and maintain the Chapter’s website. He/she shall coordinate information to be posted on the website with the Chapter Secretary, Historian, Color Guard Commander and Reporter. He/she shall provide the necessary identification name and password for the website or sections of the website, to members on an “as needed” basis.
The Surgeon must be a physician and shall be responsible for medical services during Chapter meetings.
The Parliamentarian serves as Rules of Order, Constitution and By Laws advisor to the Chapter.
A parliamentarian is usually appointed by the presiding officer and has a duty to impartially advise on the rules, so the parliamentarian, who is also a member, forgoes the right to make motions, debate and vote, except on a ballot vote.
The President after his installation, shall appoint Chapter members to serve as Committee Chairmen for a term of one year or until their successors are appointed, for the following Chapter Committees:
This committee is responsible for the promotion of the National Society’s efforts to promote the principles of freedom and liberty for all Americans. This includes dissemination of NSSAR programs and resolutions relating to the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, and the promotion of the observation of National Allegiance Sunday. The Committee will promote the Americanism programs and contests, the Patriotic Education Tool Kit, and the Americanism Poster Contest in the public, parochial, home, and private schools of the counties served by the Chapter. The Committee will conduct the grading of posters submitted to determine a Chapter winner each year for the Poster Contest at least one month prior to the TNSSAR Annual Meeting. The Committee chairman shall have the responsibility of completing the Americanism report to be completed and filed by February 28th of each year.
This committee is responsible for the promotion of the American History Teacher Award Contest to all educators who distinguish themselves in teaching the history of the American Revolution of the counties served by the Chapter. The contest is aimed at identifying a teacher who is still actively teaching, has taught for at least three years, and who is in the early or middle stages of his or her career, therefore having at least 15 years of productive classroom teaching remaining. The Committee shall conduct all the eliminations necessary to reduce the number of contestants to three, and shall present three contestants at the Chapter Meeting each year at least one month prior to the TNSSAR Annual Meeting.
This committee is responsible for the organization of a Color Guard unit within the Chapter for use in appropriate ceremonial events. The Committee should research and gather literature regarding Color Guards, flag protocol, and ceremonial protocol from the State and National Committees. The committee should coordinate with local organizations to offer the Color Guard’s services in flag ceremonies, patriotic observances, etc. The Committee shall be chaired by the Chapter Color Guard Commander.
This committee is responsible for establishing and maintaining a firm relationship with members of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). The Committee is encouraged to enter into joint efforts with the DAR with a view toward membership exchange, and general assistance in any other important matters of mutual interest.
This committee is responsible for contacting the Boy Scout Council (or State Committee representative) for a list of Eagle Scouts for the membership period in the counties served by the Chapter and send out application packets to each candidate. This committee will determine the Chapter’s SAR Scholarship candidate and submit to the NSSAR prior to established deadline.
This committee is responsible for seeking out and researching Revolutionary Graves and Landmarks, and endeavoring to furnish and arrange for the dedication of appropriate markers by the Chapter. The Committee is encouraged to work with appropriate historical, genealogical and patriotic organizations and sources, to locate Revolutionary Graves and Landmarks.
This committee is responsible for the promotion of the High School Oration Contest to all sophomores, junior and senior classes in the public, parochial, home and private schools of the counties served by the Chapter. The Committee shall conduct all the eliminations necessary to reduce the number of contestants to three, and shall present three contestants at the Chapter Meeting each year at least one month prior to the TNSSAR Annual Meeting.
The JROTC Committee is responsible for the promotion of the JROTC Scholarship Contest, contacting the High Schools for the membership period in the counties served by the Chapter and send out application packets to each candidate. This committee will determine the Chapter’s SAR Scholarship candidate and submit to the TNSSAR prior to established deadline.
This committee is responsible for the promotion of the Knight Essay Contest to juniors and seniors in the public and private schools of the counties served by the Chapter. The Committee will conduct the grading of essays submitted to determine a Chapter winner each year at least one month prior to the TNSSAR Annual Meeting.
This committee is responsible for the presentation of the Emergency Medical Services, Law Enforcement, Heroism and Fire Safety Commendation Medals as directed by the Chapter President. This committee will also be responsible for the awarding of other medals and awards until like committees are established to accommodate them. The Committee is responsible for contacting the applicable parties for the gathering of information on the candidate chosen to receive the award, and working with the Chapter President arranging for the Chapter Meeting best for the awarding of the Commendation Medal.
The Membership & Retention Committee is responsible for developing programs to recruit new members and the retention of existing members. This would include a present at Public and DAR Events and other Celebrations. The Committee is also responsible in maintaining a means to work with the TNSSAR membership Secretary with the collection of Chapter Members Annual Dues. The Committee The Committee shall be Chaired by the First Vice President.
The Public Service and Heroism Committee (PS&H) recognizes and honors citizens and individuals in our public service sectors of Law Enforcement, Fire Safety, Emergency Medical Services, Heroism and Life Saving for their contributions to the community and for heroic acts with a commendation and medal.
This committee is responsible for supporting local veteran organizations, veteranospitals and clinics, and maintaining contact with the Veterans Affairs Office in our community. The Committee will gather and maintain data accrued by Chapter members to qualify the Chapter for the USS Stark and General William C. Westmoreland Awards; and for the individual member to qualify for the Service to Veterans Medal.
The SAR Veterans Recognition Committee provides recognition to SAR veterans by awarding the SAR Certificates of Patriotism. The Committee will gather and maintain data accrued by Chapter members to qualify for the Military War Medal or the Military Service Medal."
Committee Chairmen shall be responsible for the proper and timely functioning of their committees and in the absence of committee members shall request the President to make temporary appointments, to assure that the functions of their committee shall not be nullified.
The Board of Directors may suspend the operation of any of the foregoing committees, or add new committees, which the Board deems necessary to further the purposes of the Chapter, the TNSSAR, and the NSSAR.
The Board of Directors may add new or suspend Ad-Hoc Committees which the Board deems necessary to further the purposes of the Chapter, the TNSSAR, and the NSSAR.
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern in all cases in which they are applicable. In cases in which they are inconsistent with these Bylaws, the special Rules of Order developed by the Colonel Benjamin Cleveland Chapter will stand.
Final authority in the affairs of the Colonel Benjamin Cleveland Chapter shall be in the membership, provided there is no conflict with the Bylaws of the TNSSAR or NSSAR.
The Bylaws of the Chapter may be altered or amended by affirmative action of the active members in a regular or special meeting by simple majority of members present, providing the proposed amendments be presented in writing to the membership at least 10 days prior to the meeting in which the changes are to be voted on. A quorum must be present.
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